The Facts About L.A.Lime!
L.A.Lime began as a social networking group. The word Lime is a slang word for hangout or get together, which is used frequently on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago! The idea behind L.A. Lime was to bring people and businesses together to form progressive partnerships. The premise behind the idea was that if one has a strong network in life one can have access to whatever he/she wants, needs or desires. If one's network is weak, conversely access to people, places and things will be very limited.
L.A. Lime was never going to be just your average networking group that meets up once a month and passes out business cards! We pride ourselves in being a dynamic and fun loving group that will keep L.A. Limers engaged and enthusiastic about our meetups. Our LIMES give attendees the ability to partake in fun activities plus network with other movers and shakers that are achieving great things all across the board!
L.A.Lime arrived on the scene and hit the ground running! In no time at all, the success of the model led to numerous partnerships being formed with other organizations, as well as growth and diversification. At the core L.A.Lime remains a global social networking group but has now also added an apparel division and an event planning division. We continue to strive to be great in everything that we do and to push our limits!
L.A. Lime continues to grow and expand and has resulted in numerous successful personal as well as business relationships being formed. In continued service to the people we are consistently listening to the needs of our followers and supporters in an effort to bring a better product to the table. L.A.Lime has not yet scratched the service since the vision has been redefined! We thank you for your support and will continue challenging ourselves to become better as a company each day!